About Us

Strings for Youth is an initiative from renowned cellist, Tim Wells

Tim Wells
Musical Director and Conductor

Since graduating from Oxford University, Tim Wells’ career has been strongly rooted in music education. He was awarded an honorary associateship of the Royal Academy of Music for services in this sector. In addition to holding Head of Strings posts at Eltham College and Bromley Youth Music Trust, he has taught at Dulwich Prep London and Roedean School. He has published internationally best-selling repertoire books commissioned by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) and examines on both their graded and diploma panels.

Uniquely, students under his tutelage on their respective instruments have been awarded coveted places in the National Youth Orchestra of Great Britain on every instrument in the string family, rising to positions of section principal and co-principal.

Dominique Wells
Managing Director

Dominique Wells graduated from Oxford University and subsequently pursued postgraduate studies at the Royal Academy of Music before training and qualifying as a Chartered Accountant. Having worked within these disciplines for a number of years, both as a music teacher and an accountant, she combines her knowledge and skills in Strings for Youth as supporting tutor and administrator.

My son has been attending Strings for Youth since the organisation began, and not only loves the sessions but is also inspired and motivated by them. 

In the masterful hands of Tim and Dominique he has learned an enormous amount about violin playing, both technically and musically, and orchestral skills; his sight-reading has also come on leaps and bounds through through the experience. It is a huge pleasure and privilege to witness the learning process and the perfectly judged balance of development and fun. I would recommend Strings for Youth unreservedly for any child with an interest in music!

Matthew Jones
Head of Chamber Music, Guildhall School of Music and Drama